Depuis 2016. Founded in Dnipro, Ukraine. Re-born in Paris 2022


I’m totally gift-obsessed and addicted since my childhood.

Mom’s treasury box was my favorite toy, Papa always gifts me boxes for every occasion. Probably that’s the reason why I found myself in creating them.

J’amois is a universe of bespoke jewelry boxes under my eyes, hands, heart and vibes created together with thoughtful team.

Yaná (also Y)

Yana with mom and cousine, Dnipro, 2005

Dnipro, Yavornytskogo street, 1960

J`AMOIS process, 2020

Dnipro, river bank, 1960Yana, Paris, Jardin Du Palais-Royal, 2022 by Paul Hattlefield

«To be Parisian is not to be born in Paris. It's to be born again there.» Sacha Guitry

Paris, 7 arrondissement, 2022

Was also known as Vœu Du Cœur till 2020

Secret Keeper Box till 2018